01 May NBG Clŵb
Welcome to NBG Clŵb. A place where all the creatives can come to meet.
The last year, when we were forced to slow down, it gave us all time to breathe. In doing so I have seen so many people blossom and grow and reassess whether how they lived their lives was fulfilling their potential. We took time to try out new hobbies and in doing so little independent small businesses were springing up left, right and centre.
Creatives were made to believe that our choice of outlets were pointless, with the government spending precious funds on insulting retrain propaganda instead of pumping it into the NHS but if anything, we became more creative. I had the time to learn how to embroider. I have never had so much fun sewing a little boob and butt in my little rocking chair, sipping on tea (more likely a G & T) I saw my friends suffer financially from the lack of support from the government but completely get overwhelmed from the support of strangers.
Ya know that meme when small businesses say when you buy something from me, I do a happy dance – it became more than that. It was now a case of if you support this thing, you are literally putting food on their table.
Not being able to travel outside our hometowns we became more aware of our surroundings and discovering new places that were right on our doorstep. I began ordering takeout food from places I had never heard of. I was adding all these cool, hidden nature spots all within an hour or less from me to a list of must-see post covid. It has been drilled into us that to find adventure we have to travel far and wide thus being blind to the beauty that surrounds us.
So here is how this club works. This is a space for anyone and everyone to share anything and everything. Want to tell everyone about your favourite local coffee shops, go ahead. Want to share your new business – give me those deets.
Want to start putting out short stories or poetry but not quite sure how or where to start? Start here.
Bloggers, vloggers, musicians, artists, photographers, chefs, designers, shop owners, dog grromers, vegetable growers, whatever your passion, whatever your knowledge, share it with us. I want to build up our community and shower everyone with love and support. We can launch each other up and be everyone’s cheerleaders because the best club is always the kind club.
I may even design a badge because who doesn’t love a badge?
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