02 Jan Book Club – Feminists don’t wear pink and other lies
A shiny new year is upon us. I am sure you have all made resolutions as one does at the start of every year and I am sure that by next week we’ll all be back to sitting in our pants eating the Christmas chocolates.
One of my resolutions is to read more non-fiction. A few months back I posted about The Vagina Monologues which was a book that had a profound effect on me. I have a wonderful friend that lives in London who I find inspiring and interesting and she has suggested to me a catalogue of stimulating books, podcasts and people to follow on the gram about positive feminism and empowering women.
This book has been on my to get list for a few months now after she suggested it to me and I am so excited to delve into it.
It is a collection of stories by a whole host of sensational women, some of them are celebrities, some of them should be for the work they do. They are stories about what feminism means to them. It will be intriguing to see what people from different backgrounds, ethnicity, social status, religion etc say about the same topic
I am particularly looking forward to reading Jameela Jamil’s story because I am finding the I weigh movement she has started an incredible, positive wave to be flowing through the ‘gram feed.
I know that it states in my book club guidelines that books should be second hand and you should scour for hours to find this book in a charity shop et al, but I am willing to make an exception for this book. 10% of the RRP goes to the GIRL UP charity. Girl Up is a global movement of empowered young women leaders who defend gender equality. At time of print they have more than 2,200 clubs in over a hundred countries training over 40,000 girls from all over the world to make tangible changes for all females everywhere.
When we are united, we are indestructible.
I’m not a great believer that the Spice Girls bred girl power. Emma Gonzalez had more girl power – well just power as I don’t think there is a need to gender power – in her March for our Lives speech than all the years those five flashed the peace sign willy nilly but then I think this is the premise of this book. I may have not quite understood their stance on feminism and they may not understand mine. I know that how I see feminism is quite different to how some of my other friends see it. All us feminists want is to be equal.
I’m snuggling up under my pink blanket right now to get started. See you on the other side.
Girl Power.
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