13 Jul Who am I?
When I talk about the fact that I blog on the side of my regular day job I always get asked the same question – What do you blog about?
It’s a simple question but it sends me into a tailspin because I don’t know how to reply.
I don’t know how to explain to people that I just write. I answer ‘Life’ because that is the only thing my little pea brain can come up.
How do I explain or sell myself? What is my niche? I spent a good few hours scrolling through some of my favourite accounts on insta last night and everyone seems to have a thing. How to live sustainably, fashion, make-up, Cardiff food places, Single Mum life, Family life, unconventional family life, mental health awareness. So many beautiful, wonderful accounts but they all have a thing.
Where do I fit in to this? Are my ramblings which I spew out insightful? What even is the point of what I do?
I had a whinge to my husband sounding more like Zoolander than ever before. His reply was ‘I don’t know if there are many bloggers that one day post about Empire Records being the best movie to then writing about suffering with PTSD’ and it’s so clear that that’s what I do.
I really do just write about Life. That’s my niche writing the ups and downs of life. I write like you guys are a mate I have popped round to have a cuppa with. I am you when you pop round your mates in your comfies and talk about the tv show you watched last night to then having a cry about whatever has made you said, that’s what I do.
I’m like an Agony Aunt to myself hoping that people can relate to the crap I write in a vague hope that I bring comfort to them. I really like to help people and I care about how people feel and if my openness helps one person, I have done my job.
My niche is not having a niche because then I can explore everything and anything. I get bored easily too so if I had one thing to write about it, I wouldn’t do it after a while. Exploring everything keeps me on my toes, Keeps it fresh.
I want to start wandering down some other paths and branching out into exploring my wonderful city. I need to keep on top of this game more and need some serious time management help. My organisation is a big issue for me.
I feel I have no time but then I see other women that work and have children and they seem to have such amazing content and I am like hooooooow? I barely have enough time to eat all my snacks let alone do all the things I would like to do.
I have so many plans for this blog with two big projects I really want to focus on, one you know about, one is been launched soon. I may not be the best writer, I may not be the most interesting, my insta may not be the most aesthetically pleasing but I am relatable because I know I ain’t the only one that goes through shit and I’m certainly not the only one that likes Harry Potter.
I went to visit my best male friend earlier and he said ‘You know Fight Club in the Raymond K Hessel scene when he points the gun to his head and says what do you want to do, if I did that what would you answer?’ I hesitated and procrastinated stumbling over ‘Argh, I don’t know!’ until he asked me again and I said I just want to write.
That’s all I have ever wanted, just to write. That’s what I’ll continue to do.
My name is Nicki and, regardless of what anyone thinks, I am a writer.
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